28 Reasons Why I am Grateful Today
This blog is on idle mode for the longest time since I started working overseas. Today, I decided to post something personal so I can look back on how God is moving in my life.
But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me. — 1 Co 15:10
Every year, during my birthday, I am creating a list of the things I am grateful for and send it to my email. Now, I’d like to publish it here to remind myself vividly of how faithful our Father is.
28 Things Why I am Grateful today
1. Salvation – God is faithful. He never leaves me through the year.
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, — Eph 2:8
2. My life – for another year of great gift from God. Every morning is really a blessing!
3. Good health – free from any sickness.
4. My family – for the relationship that we have and for their good health & safety.
5. Stable Job – despite the uncertainty around the world, God has entrusted me this work.
6. Career promotion – been praying for this last year but God answered it in His most perfect time. A lot has been learned along the way!
7. Provision for my sister’s wedding – was able to raise money as my gift for her.

8. Provision for brother’s schooling – was able to sustain his college degree.
9. House renovation – provision for time, wisdom, finances, and safety to my family.
10. Healing of my sister from dengue last December 2019
11. Healing of my brother from dengue last December 2019
12. Clarity and support from my family on my plan to get married
13. Favors for my vacation last December 2019 – leave, finances, schedule
14. Small group brothers – God is moving amid isolation and lockdown. Our relationship gets closer and deeper.

15. Reaching out to my brother (1-2-1) – by the grace of God, I was able to review and revisit the Christian faith foundation.
16. Heart correction for supporting a missionary
17. Accommodation – comfort and protection inside my little space
18. Provision for my work from home essentials
19. Housemates – the relationship and bonding.
20. VG friends – where I continue to learn, get connected to the community despite the lockdown

21. JTI Friends
22. Lamoiyan Friends
23. Ministry and community – promotion to WS coordinator. Was able to learn to pray for people and be more intentional
24. Singles Ministry
25. By God’s grace, started preaching the Word of God
26. Ministry core team
27. Was able to share God’s Word to my community in the Philippines
28. Wisdom to start investing
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. — Mt 6:33
This blog is on idle mode for the longest time since I started working overseas. Today, I decided to post something personal so I can look b...