#BlogOPPOlis Creator Scholar

Hello, promdi boys and girls! I'm back!

I've been busy for the past months exploring different mountains in the Philippines! I'll share with you my journey in a separate blogpost. Stay tuned!

Here's a sneak peek of my adventure

With all my busy schedule, I forgot to renew my .com domain and I'm back here using a blogspot domain. So please bear with me as I revamp this crazy space.

Today, let me share with you an upcoming event that I am planning to attend this coming April 14. Have you ever heard of Blogopolis?

The conference will happen on April 14, 2018, from 10:30 A.M. to 7:00 P.M., at Dusit Thani, Makati with the theme "The Digital Journey”.

Blogopolis will gather around 300 bloggers, social media influencers, content creators, friends from the media, and agency figures for a day of learning, networking, and enlightenment about the journeys to success of some of the best content creators in the Philippines.

In line with the upcoming conference, the selfie experts at Oppo are looking for talented and passionate content scholars! Sounds good right? I'm trying my luck now to be one them!

Why I want to be a #BlogOPPOlis Creator Scholar?

As a traveler, I want to explore more provinces and even countries that would help me learn other culture and experience nature's goodness.

As a brand warrior, it's not the product that I want to sell but the solution it can provide. I want to be a responsible influencer that shares both the pros and cons of a certain brand.

As a food lover, I want to try new and unique flavors that tell stories. I want to capture the real taste of every dish that I am about to experience.'

Lastly, as a dreamer, I want to achieve my personal dream of becoming an influencer through my blog.

This journey would be best if I have someone that understands my passion for creating content. I think being part of Oppo #BlogOppolis Content Scholars would be fun and unique experience.

Hope to see you on Saturday!


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